Conference on Activisms and violence in the age of artificial intelligence, held on 15 November 2024 at the El Milán Campus. Organised by Eva Mª Menéndez Sebastián together with the...
A new edition of the Yearbook of the Euro-Latin American Network on Good Governance and Good Administration has been published: IJ Editores - Fondo Editorial...
Eva Menéndez Sebastián, PI of the CIADIG project will participate in the Academic Days On Open Government and Digital Issues 2024, to be held on 5 and 6 November at the Université Paris....
The Faculty of Law of the ULE is holding a course on the challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence in tax administration on 24 and 25 October....
La Cátedra Rafael del Riego del Buen Gobierno y el proyecto CIADIG organizan el II Seminario sobre órganos de garantía del derecho a la buena administración....
The CIADIG project participates in the organisation of the International Colloquium "L'accès au juge administratif. Tensions et évolutions", Université París 1, Pantheón Sorbonne |...