This space is dedicated to the research project with reference TED2021-129283B-I00, whose title is DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP AND ITS ADMINISTRATIVE REFLECTION, financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR.
Proyecto «Ciudadanía administrativa digital y su reflejo administrativo/Digital Citizenship and its Administrative Reflection (CIADIG)», TED2021-129283B-I00, financiado por MICIU/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 y por la Unión Europea NextGenerationEU/ PRTR.


The CIADIG project, under the direction of its Principal Researcher, Eva Mª Menéndez Sebastián, Full Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Oviedo, is made up of 37 researchers belonging to four Spanish Universities: University of Oviedo, University of Barcelona, ​​University Alcalá de Henares and Autonomous University of Madrid; three Italian Universities: Università LUM, Giuseppe Degennaro, Università di Catania and Università di Trento; four French: Université Paris 1, Panthèon-Sorbonne, Université de Lille, Université Paris Nanterre and Université Côte d’Azur; Leiden University of the Netherlands; the Peruvian Institute of Good Administration, the European Institute for Mediation and Public Ethics, in addition to various public institutions related to good governance and good digital administration, such as the Ombudsmen, Court of Auditors, Constitutional Court, Consultative Councils; jurisdictional bodies, such as the Italian Council of State, or international consultancies specialising in the subject such as the French Civiteo, etc.

Its members are experts in various subjects involved in the study of digital administrative citizenship and its administrative reflection, with specialists in a wide variety of disciplines such as Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, Labor and Social Security Law, European Union Law , Public law and governance of AI, Applied Economics and, in particular, evaluation of public policies, Labor Psychology, Computer Science, Didactics and, specifically, technology and learning, etc.

The Administration of the Principality of Asturias and the Asturian Federation of Municipalities support and promote the project as observers.


The main objective of the project is to analyse and study in depth the changes in the relationship between citizens and public authorities, especially the Administration, which lead to a comprehensive understanding of what the new administrative and digital citizenship implies; a concept (citoyenneté administrative) that is well-established in foreign doctrine, particularly in France, but which still lacks adequate treatment in Spain. Hence the participation in the team of different academics from national and foreign universities.

The research does not stop at a theoretical study of the issue, but includes a legal, psychological, economic or pedagogical approach in order to formulate proposals that can facilitate this process of transformation, contributing to a better achievement of the general interest and service to the community. For this reason, the team includes not only lawyers, but also specialists in economic, psychology, education and computer science research.

It is inevitable to take into account the digital transition process in which we are immersed, but also other synergistic processes of change such as globalisation, administrative fatigue, disaffection towards public authorities and the need to provide institutional decisions with greater legitimacy. This need, still unmet, is what the project seeks to respond to, linking the modernisation of the Administration with putting people at the centre, paying attention to their rights, including digital rights, acting in an inclusive manner, pursuing sustainability and social cohesion. Hence the interest of the participation in the working team of practical professionals in different institutions, taking into account that the Administration of the Principality of Asturias and the Asturian Federation of Municipalities support and promote the project, as observers.



The project proposes 5 general objectives

1 |To understand the conceptual framework of digital administrative citizenship.

2 | To analyse the different instruments to make it effective, avoiding the dangers.

3 | To study the different models of administrative organisation and management of personal resources.

4 |To clarify the repercussions of digital administrative citizenship on administrative organisation and public employment and propose reforms to respond to new needs.

5 | To consider the perspective of equality, especially social and gender equality.